例行活動─《英倫情人》The English Patient

《英倫情人》The English Patient

1996/ 美國/ 安東尼明格拉/Color /162分

一個身份不明、失憶的男子,在沙漠的墜機殘骸中被尋獲,身體機能早已隨著墜機而逐漸崩毀。漢娜(茱莉葉畢諾許飾)是戰地醫院的一名護士﹐決定獨自留下來照顧這名身分不明的病人,兩人在義大利的一間廢棄修道院過著寧靜的生活。漢娜藉由閱讀神祕病人隨身攜帶的一本舊書而漸漸喚起了他的記憶… 一段關於沙漠、戰爭、背叛的愛情悲劇逐漸開展。

Winner of 9 Academy Awards® including Best Picture, Best Director (Anthony Minghella) and Best Supporting Actress (Juliette Binoche), THE ENGLISH PATIENT is a "fiercly romantic" (THE NEW YORK TIMES) epic where love knows no boundaries. During World War II, a mysterious stranger (Ralph Fiennes) is cared for by British allies unaware of his dangerous past. Yet, as the mystery of his identity is revealed, an incredible tale of passion, intrigue and adventure unfolds. Also starring Kristin Scott Thomas, Colin Firth and Willem Dafoe, this powerful motion picture is an experience you will never forget. 

地點:焯炤館地下一樓 夢幻電影城


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