醉後型男日記The Rum Diary
Tue 2011-12-27 12:30pm – 2:30pm信義威秀影城10廳
PLOT: 根據美國知名記者杭特湯普森極具自傳色彩的暢銷小說改編,爭議性的勁爆題材與時事影射,讓這部電影籌拍過程阻力不斷,一部勢必引發話題與兩極化反應的時代鉅作,在超強巨星卡司與幕後班底加持下,近年最具票房號召力的魅力巨星強尼戴普挑戰生涯最佳演技代表作,不按牌理出牌的另類記者角色超越以往戲路與詮釋難度,即將延燒全球影壇!
記者保羅坎柏(強尼戴普 飾)厭倦了後艾森豪時期瘋狂且充滿喧囂的紐約市,於是他前往位於波多黎各的某家殘破小報社任職,尋找新的寫作題材。保羅不僅很快便適應了這座島上的微醺生活,竟還愛上了當地大財主薩德森(亞倫艾克哈特 飾)的未婚妻雪諾(安珀荷德 飾)。與薩德森熟識後,保羅發現這傢伙竟意圖透過一些見不得人的手段將波多黎各變成專為富人服務的資本家天堂,他甚至決定聘請保羅為他們撰寫有利的報導,然而保羅最終究竟會選擇為薩德森效力,抑或選擇用他的文字力量,把這些勢利自大的傢伙一舉擊倒?
Based on the debut novel by Hunter S. Thompson. Tiring of the noise and madness of New York and the crushing conventions of late Eisenhower-era America, Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp) travels to the pristine island of Puerto Rico to write for a local newspaper, run by downtrodden editor Lotterman (Richard Jenkins). Adopting the rum-soaked life of the island, Paul soon becomes obsessed with Chenault (Amber Heard), the wildly attractive Connecticut-born fiancée of Sanderson (Aaron Eckhart). Sanderson is one of a growing number of American entrepreneurs who are determined to convert Puerto Rico into a capitalist paradise in service of the wealthy. When Kemp is recruited by Sanderson to write favorably about his latest unsavory scheme, the journalist is presented with a choice: to use his words for the corrupt businessmen's financial benefit, or use them to take the bastards down. -- (C) FilmDistrict
Based on the debut novel by Hunter S. Thompson. Tiring of the noise and madness of New York and the crushing conventions of late Eisenhower-era America, Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp) travels to the pristine island of Puerto Rico to write for a local newspaper, run by downtrodden editor Lotterman (Richard Jenkins). Adopting the rum-soaked life of the island, Paul soon becomes obsessed with Chenault (Amber Heard), the wildly attractive Connecticut-born fiancée of Sanderson (Aaron Eckhart). Sanderson is one of a growing number of American entrepreneurs who are determined to convert Puerto Rico into a capitalist paradise in service of the wealthy. When Kemp is recruited by Sanderson to write favorably about his latest unsavory scheme, the journalist is presented with a choice: to use his words for the corrupt businessmen's financial benefit, or use them to take the bastards down. -- (C) FilmDistrict
報名截止日期: 2011/12/24(六)上午9:30前 完成報名手續
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