下禮拜是期末考前一週, 社辦將不再提供借片, 僅能還片. 請各位未還片的社員們, 利用下禮拜社辦開放時間來還片喔!!!
大師三部‧曲 好康大獎 歡迎挑戰
12/27 《醉後型男日記 The Rum Diary》 免費院線試片場
聖誕節快到了!!! 為各位送上試片好禮 for free!
醉後型男日記The Rum Diary
Tue 2011-12-27 12:30pm – 2:30pm信義威秀影城10廳
醉後型男日記The Rum Diary
Tue 2011-12-27 12:30pm – 2:30pm信義威秀影城10廳
PLOT: 根據美國知名記者杭特湯普森極具自傳色彩的暢銷小說改編,爭議性的勁爆題材與時事影射,讓這部電影籌拍過程阻力不斷,一部勢必引發話題與兩極化反應的時代鉅作,在超強巨星卡司與幕後班底加持下,近年最具票房號召力的魅力巨星強尼戴普挑戰生涯最佳演技代表作,不按牌理出牌的另類記者角色超越以往戲路與詮釋難度,即將延燒全球影壇!
記者保羅坎柏(強尼戴普 飾)厭倦了後艾森豪時期瘋狂且充滿喧囂的紐約市,於是他前往位於波多黎各的某家殘破小報社任職,尋找新的寫作題材。保羅不僅很快便適應了這座島上的微醺生活,竟還愛上了當地大財主薩德森(亞倫艾克哈特 飾)的未婚妻雪諾(安珀荷德 飾)。與薩德森熟識後,保羅發現這傢伙竟意圖透過一些見不得人的手段將波多黎各變成專為富人服務的資本家天堂,他甚至決定聘請保羅為他們撰寫有利的報導,然而保羅最終究竟會選擇為薩德森效力,抑或選擇用他的文字力量,把這些勢利自大的傢伙一舉擊倒?
Based on the debut novel by Hunter S. Thompson. Tiring of the noise and madness of New York and the crushing conventions of late Eisenhower-era America, Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp) travels to the pristine island of Puerto Rico to write for a local newspaper, run by downtrodden editor Lotterman (Richard Jenkins). Adopting the rum-soaked life of the island, Paul soon becomes obsessed with Chenault (Amber Heard), the wildly attractive Connecticut-born fiancée of Sanderson (Aaron Eckhart). Sanderson is one of a growing number of American entrepreneurs who are determined to convert Puerto Rico into a capitalist paradise in service of the wealthy. When Kemp is recruited by Sanderson to write favorably about his latest unsavory scheme, the journalist is presented with a choice: to use his words for the corrupt businessmen's financial benefit, or use them to take the bastards down. -- (C) FilmDistrict
Based on the debut novel by Hunter S. Thompson. Tiring of the noise and madness of New York and the crushing conventions of late Eisenhower-era America, Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp) travels to the pristine island of Puerto Rico to write for a local newspaper, run by downtrodden editor Lotterman (Richard Jenkins). Adopting the rum-soaked life of the island, Paul soon becomes obsessed with Chenault (Amber Heard), the wildly attractive Connecticut-born fiancée of Sanderson (Aaron Eckhart). Sanderson is one of a growing number of American entrepreneurs who are determined to convert Puerto Rico into a capitalist paradise in service of the wealthy. When Kemp is recruited by Sanderson to write favorably about his latest unsavory scheme, the journalist is presented with a choice: to use his words for the corrupt businessmen's financial benefit, or use them to take the bastards down. -- (C) FilmDistrict
報名截止日期: 2011/12/24(六)上午9:30前 完成報名手續
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別讓你的社員福利睡著了~ (人數狀況會持續更新)
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1001神秘場 – 《驚悚末日 Melancholia》
1001神秘場 –
驚悚末日 Melancholia
拉斯馮提爾Lars von Trier/2011/丹麥、瑞典、法國、德國/136min/color
《在黑暗中漫舞》《撒旦的情與慾》導演 拉斯馮提爾Lars von Trier 最新力作
天際出現毀滅之星, 世紀婚禮即將變奏, 在世界末日的前一天, 是否該抓住生與死的最後一瞬間?
《蜘蛛人》克斯汀鄧斯特Kirsten Dunst、《撒旦的情與慾》夏洛特甘絲伯 Charlotte Gainsbourg 、《噬血真愛》亞歷山大史科斯嘉 Alexander Skarsgård、《池畔謀殺案》夏綠蒂蘭普 Charlotte Rampling、《24反恐任務》基佛蘇德蘭 Kiefer Sutherland……等超強卡司 !
Justine (Kirsten Dunst) and Michael (Alexander Skarsgård) are celebrating their marriage at a sumptuous party in the home of her sister (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and brother-in-law (Kiefer Sutherland). Meanwhile, the planet, Melancholia, is heading towards Earth... Melancholia is a psychological disaster movie from director Lars von Trier.
2011/12/20 (二) 6:30pm 焯炤館地下演講廳
例行活動 《小小犯罪刺激》Kurz und schmerzlos
《小小犯罪刺激》Kurz und schmerzlos / Short Sharp Shock
法提阿金/ 1997 / 德 / Color / 100min
Three friends get caught in a life of major crime.
Gabriel (Mehmet Kurtuluş) the Turk, Bobby (Aleksandar Jovanovic) the Serb and Costa (Adam Bousdoukos) the Greek are three friends who used to form a neighborhood gang in Altona district of Hamburg. Following his release from prison Gabriel is ready for a new start on life. Bobby however has been doing jobs for crazed Albanian mobster Muhamer (Ralph Herforth) and his girlfriend Alice (Regula Grauwiller) turns to Gabriel for comfort. When Costa who has turned to petty theft and is dating Gabriel's sister Ceyda (İdil Üner) also joins Muhamer's gang, Gabriel intervenes to save his friends, an action which puts his dreams of retiring to Turkey at risk.
Three friends get caught in a life of major crime.
Gabriel (Mehmet Kurtuluş) the Turk, Bobby (Aleksandar Jovanovic) the Serb and Costa (Adam Bousdoukos) the Greek are three friends who used to form a neighborhood gang in Altona district of Hamburg. Following his release from prison Gabriel is ready for a new start on life. Bobby however has been doing jobs for crazed Albanian mobster Muhamer (Ralph Herforth) and his girlfriend Alice (Regula Grauwiller) turns to Gabriel for comfort. When Costa who has turned to petty theft and is dating Gabriel's sister Ceyda (İdil Üner) also joins Muhamer's gang, Gabriel intervenes to save his friends, an action which puts his dreams of retiring to Turkey at risk.
12/14 (三) 18:30 焯炤館一樓演講廳
12/05 《切膚慾謀 The Skin I Live In》免費院線試片場
社員們注意啦!!! 免費電影又能搶先看了!! 而且這次適逢輔大補假
切膚慾謀The Skin I Live In
Mon 2011-12-05 12:30pm – 2:30pm (CST)國賓影城@
*本活動僅限現任正式社員 參加
*報名方式: 確定可出席者請一律於報名截止日期內, 寄email至社團信箱, email標題註明"試片報名", 內容僅需附上真實姓名及系級, 為確認社員資格及入場使用, 不接受其他報名方式
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切膚慾謀The Skin I Live In
Mon 2011-12-05 12:30pm – 2:30pm (CST)國賓影城@
Ever since his wife was burned in a car crash, Dr. Robert Ledgard, an eminent plastic surgeon, has been interested in creating a new skin with which he could have saved her. After twelve years, he manages to cultivate a skin that is a real shield against every assault. In addition to years of study and experimentation, Robert needed a further three things: no scruples, an accomplice and a human guinea pig. Scruples were never a problem. Marilia, the woman who looked after him from the day he was born, is his most faithful accomplice. And as for the human guinea pig...
報名截止日期: 2011/12/04(日)下午3:00前 完成報名手續
人數僅限6名 (已截止, 人數超過可報候補, 仍有機會)
別讓你的社員福利睡著了~ (人數狀況會持續更新)
別讓你的社員福利睡著了~ (人數狀況會持續更新)
*本活動僅限現任正式社員 參加
*報名方式: 確定可出席者請一律於報名截止日期內, 寄email至社團信箱, email標題註明"試片報名", 內容僅需附上真實姓名及系級, 為確認社員資格及入場使用, 不接受其他報名方式
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例行活動 《上帝之城》 City of God
<上帝之城 > City of God
Two boys growing up in a violent neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro take different paths: one becomes a photographer, the other a drug dealer.
Fernando Meirelles' City of God is a sweeping tale of how crime affects the poor population of Rio de Janeiro. Though the narrative skips around in time, the main focus is on Cabeleira who formed a gang called the Tender Trio. He and his best friend, Bené (Phelipe Haagensen), become crime lords over the course of a decade. When Bené is killed before he can retire, Lil' Zé attempts to take out his arch enemy, Sandro Cenoura (Matheus Nachtergaele). But Sandro and a young gangster named Mane form an alliance and begin a gang war with Lil' Zé. Amateur photographer Buscape (Alexandre Rodrigues) takes pictures of the brutal crime war, making their story famous. City of God was screened at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. ~ Perry Seibert, Rovi
Two boys growing up in a violent neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro take different paths: one becomes a photographer, the other a drug dealer.
Fernando Meirelles' City of God is a sweeping tale of how crime affects the poor population of Rio de Janeiro. Though the narrative skips around in time, the main focus is on Cabeleira who formed a gang called the Tender Trio. He and his best friend, Bené (Phelipe Haagensen), become crime lords over the course of a decade. When Bené is killed before he can retire, Lil' Zé attempts to take out his arch enemy, Sandro Cenoura (Matheus Nachtergaele). But Sandro and a young gangster named Mane form an alliance and begin a gang war with Lil' Zé. Amateur photographer Buscape (Alexandre Rodrigues) takes pictures of the brutal crime war, making their story famous. City of God was screened at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. ~ Perry Seibert, Rovi
11/29(二) 18:30 焯炤館地下演講廳
例行活動 奇幻塔森辛 《墜落》 The Fall
墜落 The Fall
<入侵腦細胞> <戰神世紀> 導演
From the director of The Cell comes a visually stunning epic fantasy about a bedridden man who entertains a curious little girl by telling her a fantastical story of exotic heroes and far off places which reflects his state of mind. The central story takes place in a remote 1920's hospital where a small girl named Alexandria (Catinca Untaru) is recovering from a severe looking shoulder injury incurred in a fall while trying to pick oranges. One day she happens to meet Roy (Lee Pace) - a stunt or "gag" man for the "flickers" or moving pictures- who seems to have injured himself out of a future in a particularly reckless stunt, even for those times. He is a clearly unhappy man who- through his own carelessness- unwittingly leads Alexandria to believe that he intends to entertain her with a lavish, epic story of exotic heroes and far off places. As the stuntman's health reaches to the point of peril - so does the story he is telling her...with potentially fatal consequences.
11/23(三) 焯炤館一樓演講廳 6:30pm
11/22(二) 6:30pm
12/01(四) 6:30pm
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例行活動 奇幻塔森辛 《入侵腦細胞》 The Cell
<入侵腦細胞>The Cell
Schizoid serial killer Carl Stargher (Vincent D'Onofrio) has been captured at last, but a neurological seizure has rendered him comatose, and FBI agent Peter Novak (Vince Vaughan) has no way to determine the location of Stargher's latest and still-living victim. To probe the secrets contained in Stargher's traumatized psyche, the FBI recruits psychologist Catherine Deane (Jennifer Lopez), who has mastered a new technology that allows her to enter the mind of another person. What she finds in Stargher's head is a theater of the grotesque, which, as envisioned by first-time director Tarsem Singh, is a smorgasbord of the surreal that borrows liberally from the Brothers Quay, Czech animator Jan Svankmajer, Hieronymous Bosch, Salvador Dali, and a surplus of other cannibalized sources.
Schizoid serial killer Carl Stargher (Vincent D'Onofrio) has been captured at last, but a neurological seizure has rendered him comatose, and FBI agent Peter Novak (Vince Vaughan) has no way to determine the location of Stargher's latest and still-living victim. To probe the secrets contained in Stargher's traumatized psyche, the FBI recruits psychologist Catherine Deane (Jennifer Lopez), who has mastered a new technology that allows her to enter the mind of another person. What she finds in Stargher's head is a theater of the grotesque, which, as envisioned by first-time director Tarsem Singh, is a smorgasbord of the surreal that borrows liberally from the Brothers Quay, Czech animator Jan Svankmajer, Hieronymous Bosch, Salvador Dali, and a surplus of other cannibalized sources.
This provides one of the wildest, weirdest visual feasts ever committed to film, and The Cell earns a place among such movie mind-trips as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Altered States, What Dreams May Come, and Un Chien Andalou. Is this a good thing? Sure, if all you want is freakazoid eye-candy. If you're looking for emotional depth, substantial plot, and artistic coherence, The Cell is sure to disappoint. The pop-psychology pablum of Mark Protosevich's screenplay would be laughable if it weren't given such somber significance, and Singh's exploitative use of sadomasochistic imagery is repugnant (this movie makes Seven look tame), so you're better off marveling at the nightmare visions that are realized with astonishing potency. The Cell is too shallow to stay in your head for long, but while it's there, it's one hell of a show. --Jeff Shannon
11/17(四) 6:30pm
焯炤館 地下演講廳
各位偵探們! 為期整整十個晚上的偵探影展, 你放下了幾天作業, 你破了幾個案子呢???
完整犯案照片: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150371982533145.358539.300322268144&type=1
11/23 《私法正義Seeking Justice》, 11/30 《選戰風雲The Ides of March》 免費院線試片場
社員們注意啦!!! 免費電影又能搶先看了!!
Wed 2011-11-23 12:30pm – 2:30pm 私法正義Seeking Justice/信義威秀影城
Wed 2011-11-30 12:30pm – 2:30pm 選戰風雲The Ides of March/信義威秀影城http://www.catchplay.com/movie/theidesofmarch
報名截止日期: 2011/11/03(四)晚上11:00前 完成報名手續
人數每場僅限6名 別讓你的社員福利睡著了~ (人數狀況會持續更新)
*報名方式: 確定可出席者請一律於報名截止日期內, 寄email至社團信箱, email標題註明"試片報名", 內容僅需附上真實姓名及系級, 為確認社員資格及入場使用, 不接受其他報名方式
*有收到社團回覆信後始報名成功, 裡頭有入場方式和注意事項, 如遲遲未收到回覆信, 請聯絡幹部
*放映日當天不會再提醒, 請自行牢記時間及注意事項
After his wife is assaulted, a husband enlists the services of a vigilante group to help him settle the score.

An idealistic staffer for a newbie presidential candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail.
Wed 2011-11-23 12:30pm – 2:30pm 私法正義Seeking Justice/信義威秀影城
Wed 2011-11-30 12:30pm – 2:30pm 選戰風雲The Ides of March/信義威秀影城http://www.catchplay.com/movie/theidesofmarch
報名截止日期: 2011/11/03(四)晚上11:00前 完成報名手續
人數每場僅限6名 別讓你的社員福利睡著了~ (人數狀況會持續更新)
*報名方式: 確定可出席者請一律於報名截止日期內, 寄email至社團信箱, email標題註明"試片報名", 內容僅需附上真實姓名及系級, 為確認社員資格及入場使用, 不接受其他報名方式
*有收到社團回覆信後始報名成功, 裡頭有入場方式和注意事項, 如遲遲未收到回覆信, 請聯絡幹部
*放映日當天不會再提醒, 請自行牢記時間及注意事項
An idealistic staffer for a newbie presidential candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail.
【2011 十月影展:偵探影展】 閉幕片《唐人街》Chinatown
<唐人街> Chinatown
A private detective investigating an adultery case stumbles on to a scheme of murder that has something to do with water.
Roman Polanski's brooding film noir exposes the darkest side of the land of sunshine, the Los Angeles of the 1930s, where power is the only currency--and the only real thing worth buying. Jack Nicholson is J.J. Gittes, a private eye in the Chandler mold, who during a routine straying-spouse investigation finds himself drawn deeper and deeper into a jigsaw puzzle of clues and corruption. The glamorous Evelyn Mulwray (a dazzling Faye Dunaway) and her titanic father, Noah Cross (John Huston), are at the black-hole center of this tale of treachery, incest, and political bribery. The crackling, hard-bitten script by Robert Towne won a well-deserved Oscar, and the muted color cinematography makes the goings-on seem both bleak and impossibly vibrant. Polanski himself has a brief, memorable cameo as the thug who tangles with Nicholson's nose. One of the greatest, most completely satisfying crime films of all time. --Anne Hurley
10/28 (五) 18:30 焯炤館一樓演講廳
劉鈞倫 幹部講片
映後抽獎:開閉幕場有金馬影展電影票 其他場次也還有電影周邊贈品
票價單場30元, 社員買四送二, 非社員買四送一
10場 200元 +護照乙本
社員可登記影展志工(須3場以上), 幫忙的場次可免費入場
售票及登記地點:10/11~10/18 12:30~18:00 輔園前
【2011 十月影展:偵探影展】《獨行殺手》The Godson / Le samouraï
<獨行殺手> The Godson / Le samouraï
維爾梅爾/1967 / 法.義 / color / 105min
Things suddenly go badly for a successful French assassin.
Alain Delon is the coolest killer to hit the screen, a film noir loner for the modern era, in Jean-Pierre Melville's austere 1967 French crime classic. Delon's impassive hit man, Jef Costello, is the ultimate professional in an alienated world of glass and metal. On his latest contract, however, he lets a witness live--a charming jazz pianist, Valerie (Cathy Rosier), who neglects to identify him in the police lineup. When Costello survives an assassination attempt by his employers, he carefully plots his next moves as cops and criminals close in and he prepares for one last job. Melville meticulously details every move by Costello and the police in fascinating wordless sequences, from Costello's preparations for his first hit to the cops' exhaustive efforts to tail Jef as he lines up his last; and his measured pace creates an otherworldly ambiance, an uneasy calm on the verge of shattering. Costello remains a cipher, a zen killer whose façade begins to crack as the world seems to be collapsing in on him, exposing the wound-up psyche hidden behind his blank face. Melville rethinks film noir in modern terms, as an existential crime drama in soft, somber color and sleek images (courtesy of cinematographer extraordinaire Henri Decaë).Le Samouraï inspired two pseudo-remakes, Walter Hill's Driver and John Woo's Killer, but neither film comes close to the compelling austerity and meticulous detail of Melville's cult masterpiece. --Sean Axmaker
10/26 (三) 18:30 焯炤館一樓演講廳
映後抽獎:開閉幕場有金馬影展電影票 其他場次也還有電影周邊贈品
票價單場30元, 社員買四送二, 非社員買四送一
10場 200元 +護照乙本
社員可登記影展志工(須3場以上), 幫忙的場次可免費入場
售票及登記地點:10/11~10/18 12:30~18:00 輔園前
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