12/05 《切膚慾謀 The Skin I Live In》免費院線試片場

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切膚慾謀The Skin I Live In


Mon  2011-12-05 12:30pm – 2:30pm (CST)國賓影城@


Ever since his wife was burned in a car crash, Dr. Robert Ledgard, an eminent plastic surgeon, has been interested in creating a new skin with which he could have saved her. After twelve years, he manages to cultivate a skin that is a real shield against every assault. In addition to years of study and experimentation, Robert needed a further three things: no scruples, an accomplice and a human guinea pig. Scruples were never a problem. Marilia, the woman who looked after him from the day he was born, is his most faithful accomplice. And as for the human guinea pig...

 報名截止日期: 2011/12/04(日)下午3:00前 完成報名手續

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