社員們注意啦!!! 免費電影又能搶先看了!!
Wed 2011-11-23 12:30pm – 2:30pm 私法正義Seeking Justice/信義威秀影城
Wed 2011-11-30 12:30pm – 2:30pm 選戰風雲The Ides of March/信義威秀影城http://www.catchplay.com/movie/theidesofmarch
報名截止日期: 2011/11/03(四)晚上11:00前 完成報名手續
人數每場僅限6名 別讓你的社員福利睡著了~ (人數狀況會持續更新)
*報名方式: 確定可出席者請一律於報名截止日期內, 寄email至社團信箱, email標題註明"試片報名", 內容僅需附上真實姓名及系級, 為確認社員資格及入場使用, 不接受其他報名方式
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*放映日當天不會再提醒, 請自行牢記時間及注意事項
After his wife is assaulted, a husband enlists the services of a vigilante group to help him settle the score.
An idealistic staffer for a newbie presidential candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail.
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