<東方快車謀殺案> Murder on the Orient Express
約翰•布拉伯恩/1974/英國/128min/ color
約翰•布拉伯恩/1974/英國/128min/ color
Just the name "Orient Express" conjures images of a bygone era. Add an all-star cast (including Sean Connery, Ingrid Bergman, Jacqueline Bisset, and Lauren Bacall, to name a few) and Agatha Christie's delicious plot and how can you go wrong? Particularly if you add in Albert Finney as Christie's delightfully persnickety sleuth, Hercule Poirot. Someone has knocked off nasty Richard Widmark on this train trip and, to Poirot's puzzlement, everyone seems to have a motive--just the setup for a terrific whodunit. Though it seems like an ensemble film, director Sidney Lumet gives each of his stars their own solo and each makes the most of it. Bergman went so far as to win an Oscar for her role. But the real scene-stealer is the ever-reliable Finney as the eccentric detective who never misses a trick. --Marshall Fine
10/18 (二) 18:30 焯炤館一樓演講廳
映後抽獎:開閉幕場有金馬影展電影票 其他場次也還有電影周邊贈品
票價單場30元, 社員買四送二, 非社員買四送一
10場 200元 +護照乙本
社員可登記影展志工(須3場以上), 幫忙的場次可免費入場
售票及登記地點:10/11~10/18 12:30~18:00 輔園前
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