【2011 十月影展:偵探影展】《尼羅河上的慘案》Death on the Nile

尼羅河上的慘案Death on the Nile
約翰•吉勒明/1978/英國/140min/ color


As Hercule Poirot (Peter Ustinov) enjoys a luxurious cruise down the Nile, a newlywed heiress is found murdered on board. Soon, every elegant passenger is a prime suspect - can Poirot identify the killer before the ship reaches the end of its journey? Thrilling performances from Jane Birkin, Bette Davis, Mia Farrow, Angela Lansbury, David Niven, Maggie Smith and more round out the fun in this exotic mystery filmed on location in Egypt.

10/27 (四) 18:30 焯炤館B1地下一樓演講廳

映後抽獎:開閉幕場有金馬影展電影票 其他場次也還有電影周邊贈品

票價單場30元, 社員買四送二, 非社員買四送一


10場 200元 +護照乙本

社員可登記影展志工(須3場以上), 幫忙的場次可免費入場

售票及登記地點:10/11~10/18 12:30~18:00 輔園前

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