【2011 十月影展:偵探影展】《失真的畫》Anamorph

<失真的畫> Anamorph
Henry Miller / 2007 / 美國 / 107min / color

警探V.S.藝術家殺手!!! <蜘蛛人> <撒旦的情與慾> 威廉達佛 領銜辦案
瘋狂、破壞、分解,一位連環殺手的傑作!! 他把每一位受害者都當成他的藝術品,警探要如何在下一個受害者成為畫中畫前解出箇中奧密呢?

A psychological thriller based on the concept of anamorphosis, a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to create two competing images on a single canvas.

Academy Award®-nominee Willem Dafoe* (Spiderman, Platoon) is a detective drawn into a gruesome case in this intense psychological thriller. Haunted by the killings, he soon finds himself confronting his own deadly past. With each slaying, the investigation takes a different, darker turn. And the nearer he's drawn to the murders, the closer he could become the ultimate victim - or take the fall for the crimes. Also starring Scott Speedman (The Strangers) and Clea Duvall ("Heroes").

10/25 (二)18:30 焯炤館一樓演講廳 


映後抽獎:開閉幕場有金馬影展電影票 其他場次也還有電影周邊贈品

票價單場30元, 社員買四送二, 非社員買四送一


10場 200元 +護照乙本

社員可登記影展志工(須3場以上), 幫忙的場次可免費入場

售票及登記地點:10/11~10/18 12:30~18:00 輔園前

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